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News & Updates - August 2022

Summer is about to close at Bee Cave Riding Center and that brings us to some important items.

Camp will end on August 5th. As we go in to the last week, we wish to thank all of our staff who have helped make this a very successful year. The feedback from our community has been very positive! As you all know, our camp program is what funds the ongoing improvements at the barn.

Summer Break Barn Closing The barn will take it's next scheduled break, August 6th through the 19th. Lessons will resume on Saturday August 20th. There is no adjustment to our invoicing as this is one of the breaks that off sets the months that have 5 lessons and we don't charge for the fifth lesson. This is a great time to take a break from the heat and get our kids back in school. There are no lessons during this time and the barn will be open to owners and leasees for access to their horses. Do remember there is no jumping outside of lessons.

The next break is over the December holiday season. Any lessons that occur on Thanksgiving Thursday will be rescheduled to the Friday after.

Fall Updates. Congratulations to Brigid on her acceptance to Texas A & M University!! We send her off with our best wishes and continued support. As she leaves, Anneke and I have expanded our schedules to accommodate her students. If you have been a student of Brigid's and you wish to ride on Monday or Wednesday please contact Kathy 512-632-7433 If you wish to ride on Thursday, contact Anneke 512-924-6630

For all of our students, if you need to change your upcoming lesson schedule, please contact us at this time. We are updating our calendars each day to organize the fall schedule.

The plan for overnight camps to begin in 2023. The bunk house is taking shape! We are continuing with the completion of the house on the property to move forward with our overnight camp program. We thank everyone who has stepped forward with offers of household items that will assist with the needs of the next step. There is room for storage of items if any one is needing to move the items at this time. We don't plan on holding any overnight events until summer of 2023, therefore there is no hurry either.

The horse show schedule. The sign up for the last dripping springs show of 2022 is up on the board near the arena. This show will be held September 17th and 18th at the Dripping Springs Ranch Park. If you plan to attend please sign up early as this helps our staff tremendously. Keep in mind, school horses may only be shared by 2 people and the leasee will have priority. This system is first come, first served. You may text Anneke if you aren't available to sign up at this time and we can add you to the board. 512-924-6630

We will be looking into other schooling shows if interest is expressed. These shows usually take place in San Antonio or Taylor.

A show schedule. As of right now, our A show calendar has a strong interest for the "Monster Mash" in Katy Texas. The dates for this show are October 20th to the 23rd.

Other A shows may be added as interest is expressed.

Price increases. It's that time. Starting September 1st invoices will reflect the needed adjustments for the increasing costs of horse care.

Board $700.00 per month one group lesson include per week

Leasing of a school horse $625.00 per month one group lesson included per week

One hour lessons

Private $360.00 per month

Semi Private 2-3 riders $300.00 per month

Group 4-6 riders $260.00 per month

1/2 hour private $300.00 per month

Private scheduled by appointment $90.00 per hour

Training Rides $60.00

We will also have an invoicing schedule for additional support services.

Daily medicine or supplement administration $60.00 per month

Picking up meds from the veterinary clinic $25.00 per trip

Thank you for your ongoing support! We appreciate our customers.

See you at the barn!


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