SUMMER PLANNING Please note the summer breaks that will give our horses the rest they deserve as we navigate the hot summer ahead. Each year Bee Cave Riding Center uses a monthly tuition that doesn't charge for the 4 months that each day has 5 lessons. So for 4 months a year each student will receive a 5th lesson that is not reflected in your invoice. We use this to create 4 weeks that the barn closes for lessons. During this time, owners and leasees may access the barn and enjoy their horses. We like to remind everyone of some guidelines that make this time safe and enjoyable for all. 4TH OF JULY ONE WEEK CLOSING No lessons on Saturday July 1st and lessons resume on Saturday July 8th. BACK TO SCHOOL AUGUST CLOSING No lessons on Monday August 14th and lessons resume on Monday August 28th. Please remember that these closings do not affect your monthly tuition. SAFETY FIRST Please have an adult with any rider under the age of 13. During these breaks there will be no barn supervision for young riders. Don't change a horse's routine without notifying Kathy 512-632-7433 or Anneke 512-924-6630! It can be very dangerous for horses to be left in a stall overnight if they haven't been set up for this, and dangerous to put them outside of their routine. Every horse has a specific routine -- if you are not familiar with your horse's routine, please text Anneke 512-924-6630! Return a horse to the place you found it after you spend time with the horse. If you find a horse in the stall, return it to the same stall, if in the top pasture, walk it back up to the top. Turning the wrong horse into the school horse paddock can be extremely dangerous to those horses who don't normally reside there.
Help us pay attention to the dangers of extreme heat, if the water is not working, call us! We now have city water to back up our aging well and will not have to worry about an extreme water emergency, but let's have all eyes open to any water concerns. Please limit long baths, wasted water use, and be generally very conservative. One rain doesn't fill the lakes that feed us.
Don't think about today but rather think about the possibility that livestock will rank below humans if things ever get that extreme. On a daily basis I have to remind a child that the water they're using isn't even touching the horse for a long period of time. Help us teach water conservation:) SUMMER BARN PARTY! On Saturday, July 15th Eddie and Kathy will host a party for all of our friends and family to include all of you. The party will take place at their house and will showcase our favorite band the SpinRockers! This is the band that performed at our Christmas party with our very own Mary Rose Bushland. Kathy and Eddie will provide barbeque meats on a pit, all the table service and non alcoholic drinks.
Plan to bring a dish to pass, any adult beverages and a yard game if you wish. The house will be open for air conditioned space but the activities will be in the yard. We'll have some tables and chairs but bringing a chair may be helpful. HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE!!! Saturday, July 15 at 6:00pm 11000 BURNT OAK DRIVE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78737 We appreciate you! -BCRC Staff